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(verify) ZofzPCB: Copper + Components

Programmatic Interface (API)
Interfacing with other programs

Connecting to ZofzPCB

ZofzPCB offers a WM_COPYDATA programmatic interface, which allows external programs to control its functions. Please note that the previously available shared file interface is no longer supported.


The WM_COPYDATA interface provides a robust way to interact with ZofzPCB. Using this interface, an external program can send commands to ZofzPCB to perform various actions such as:

Detailed Information and Examples

For more detailed information and to see how to implement this interface, please refer to the example program provided:

WM_COPYDATA Interface Example

Interface example screenshot

This example program demonstrates how to use the WM_COPYDATA interface to control ZofzPCB effectively and handle its responses.

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